Thursday, January 17, 2008

So today was pretty cool. It was the first week we had a three in the afternoon class and that’s it. I slept in until about ten, and then went to the art store with josh to look at supplies and sketchbooks and what not. Then some work was done on the map/collage for Christie’s class, and then studio. It seemed like forever before class, we are just not used to such a late class with nothing else before it. But I think I can definitely get used to it!

The next studio we spent doing what is called an figure ground. A figure ground is when you color in where ever a building is black and leave all space that is open to the sky white. The way we did it is taking black paper and painting the open air spaces in white onto it. We are learning city planning, so the project started with a small area of a city and we have to figure out the rest, and try to basically create it. Its really not easy at all, we have till Monday to finish it.

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