Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Today for our sketching class we went into this museum and underground into roman ruins. It was definately one of the coolest things i have seen since i have been here. The museum also showed what was built above the ruins like in medieval times and what not.
For the past few days i have been pretty much hanging out, seeing the city, and trying to get work done. We have a review for studio on friday, and a poroject for our history class that is due the day after we get back from southern spain. So a decent amount of work to do for the next little bit, but it is still nothing compared to what i have done back at Catholic, so i will take it.
We just booked a flight to go to rome the weekend after we get back from southern spain. We really want to go and that seems to be one of the only weekends we get to. So i am definately excited to go there for a few days.
Well, its time to leave for spanish. I will try and keep more frequent updates, and i will get more pictures up. Keep checkin in!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
second week
The sketching project came out really good, i was really happy with it. It took a lot of time but was definately worth it. Next week in that class we get to start looking at the history of the city starting with roman ruins! How cool is that! I am pretty excited, i love to see all the old ruins that peope discover underneath the existing city. SO that should be a lot of fun.
Spanish class.....well lets just say i can understand about 3/4 of what he says but i feel very stupid in the class because i cant seem to speak it back! Oh well, by the end my goal is to be able to keep a legitimate conversation up. We will see how that goes.

And, i did my laundry for the first time here yesterday, and boy is that a pain! There are no dryers, and water costs a ton. SO basically i had a lot of clothes that i have been rewearing because we have to and now they are taking over my room being hung to dry. I even overflowed into laying things out in the living room because my room is just not big enough! Oh well, we will get used to it i guess. Its just crazy getting used to the fact that electricity and water cost so much more here than at home. Its a good thing to get used to, so at home maybe we can be more economical, but i am definately not used to it yet.
We have been roaming a lot around the city. We went to the top of one of the mountains, and have just kind of been exploring and seeing where we are living and what not. The collage on the side is just showing everyone me and the city and me in the city! Sorry it took so long to get it posted, hope you like looking at them!
Alright, well i think it is time i maybe try to post some pictures on here so i am going to go do that and then possibly do some work.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Alright so i am slacking on posting pictures on here, but i promise i will get to it soon!
We are in studio, doin work and hanging out......but mostly enjoying this city so much! We went out a lot this weekend, and it is so crazy how everyone here doesnt go out until 1am and doesnt go home till like 5 in the morning. I dont know if i can every adjust that much, but we will have to see.
Daddy was here this past weekend. So in my breaks from doing work for studio and our sketch class i got to hang out with him and take him around the city. He seemed like he really liked it. We went to the Sagrada Familia, and got to go inside. It is by far the most mesmerizing building i have every been in. Even as an architect i dont understand how anyone can think like that. Then yesterday we walked down to the beach and all around down there. It was so warm, i could have been in shorts and a tshirt. I cant wait for it to get even warmer. Living in a beach town in warm weather is going to be so awesome! Here are some of the things we got to see:

He left this morning, which sucks, but he and the family will be back in two months. So i will get to see them soon enough. At least he liked it and got to see where i live and what i get to see and do.
Well class is about to start, i will post again soon!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
The next studio we spent doing what is called an figure ground. A figure ground is when you color in where ever a building is black and leave all space that is open to the sky white. The way we did it is taking black paper and painting the open air spaces in white onto it. We are learning city planning, so the project started with a small area of a city and we have to figure out the rest, and try to basically create it. Its really not easy at all, we have till Monday to finish it.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
First blog ever!
Six days in Barcelona, many bottles of wine, and to many baguettes later and i am so excited about the four months to come. We got here last friday, the 11th, and found our apartment which i will have pictures posted soon of it. It is awesome, very modern looking with all white walls and black furniture and stone everywhere. And we are right on a main plaza, so we are right next to studio, shops, pretty much most things we could possibly use. So that is pretty awesome. The buildings everywhere and people are awesome, and just the few days of looking around and what not have been amazing.
We have been way to interested in walking around the city to sit in the apartment and rest, so a lot of our free time has been spent walking to various places and seeing the city, especially the small back streets which are so cute! We went down to the beach on sunday and got to see the mediterranean, and all the cool looking resteraunts and buildings that are all around. There is a sculpture at the ocean that is really famous, and we were really excited to see that and we got lots of pictures of it. But our apartment is also really cool, so we do like to spend time in it. It is in a great part of the city and has some great views out of our windows.
This week has been spent walking around to find shops where we can find out architectural supplies and start classes. Monday we met all of our professors, and were given the rules and scheduled for the class. Tuesday, yesterday, we went to our drawing class, and were dropped off at a metro station and told to walk with a partner for an hour each and folow our senses and note where it took us in the city. That was really cool because we ended up on alot of back streets and going by lit areas, and what not. We have to turn that into a collage and pencil drawing that denotes our choices and experience. It should be a cool project, we just have to get started on it now. The hardest part of doing work is that we are ina cool new city and it feels like a vacation. But it should get better. Then today we went out in studio and got to paint paths that we took between two plazas. Me painting....kinda funny but it was a really cool activity and i am starting to loosen up a bit more about the whole trying new artistic things. Here are some of the things that we saw:
Well thats it for now, i will post again soon! Look at pictures as they come!